Activities 2005
2005 proved a busy year, with the publication
of Douglas book "Dare to Dream: Flying Solo With Diabetes"
in April plus a number of presentations to the American Diabetes
Association (www.diabetes.org),
Taking Control of Your Diabetes (www.tcoyd.com),
and Children With Diabetes (www.childrenwithdiabetes.com)
conferences and exhibitions.
In September Douglas traveled to Asia where
radio, television and newspaper interviews were held in Singapore
to publicize his book. Then it was back to Scotland to present
to Scottish Parliament in conjunction with Diabetes UK Scotland,
discussing the issue of workplace discrimination due to diabetes.
This was followed by a brief visit to Athens for a talk to coincide
with the tail-end of EASD 41st Annual Meeting, plus another presentation
at the Annual General Meeting of "Diabetes UK" in Coventry.
Between the above activities, over 300 flying
hours were logged in the Diabetes World Flight Beech Baron (its
only too good to catch up on lost career flying time!) including
a trip from Colorado to Los Angeles, San Diego and Sedona in July,
and to Minneapolis and San Diego in October.
To Dream: Flying Solo With Diabetes"
